Ruswarp to Whitby, Bridges on the Esk
Yesterday I walked from Ruswarp to Whitby in order to photograph the various viaducts and bridges in between, obviously when I got to the coast my treat was the usual sausage, chips and scraps. Above is Ruswarp Iron Bridge (opened in 1935, the third bridge to be built on this spot) and crossing the photo is the railway bridge. Ruswarp is a little village that is dominated by bridges, meaning of course that I was quite within my element.
Love the swing bridge, when a high masted boat comes through and the bridge has to open it brings all the traffic in the town to a halt. What power!
I agree. But then I’m also kind of trying to justify why bridges interest me so!
The first bridge ‘ruswarp iron bridge’ is not iron at all as it is made from steel hence the stamp of british steel skinningrove on the girders.
Interesting. I searched for information on it and I could only find it referred to as Ruswarp Iron Bridge. Do you know what it’s referred to as locally? Perhaps they refer to it as the steel bridge and it’s just not recorded as such…